Saturday, July 23, 2011

I'm on my way!

I'm finally on my way to India! AH!! I'm really glad I had a few months to mentally prepare for this trip. I've never stayed a month in a foreign county before, so the whole idea was kind of hard to wrap my mind around, honestly.

Right now I'm sitting in the airport, eating my last American meal. What did I pick? A hamburger, considering I won't get one of THOSE for a while. Mmmm beef.

Last night I hosted a curry party to say goodbye to everyone. And hello to some people that I still hadn't met up with since I've been in Oregon (cough, Kenny, cough). It was a success! I'm glad Keara suggested having a curry party, because I definitely wouldn't have thought of it. The delicious food proved that Jewell is an amazing chef, although we all already knew that. I'm so glad everyone has been so supportive and believed in me. I've absolutely loved it the past few months when my friends would introduce as, "Oh, this is Nicole - she's going to India!"  I'd also like to throw out a special thank you to Jordan Clive, who actually found the program for me that I'll be going to India through. You're awesome!

The program I'm going to India through is called Cosmic Volunteers ( They hooked me up with a program called Udayan Care ( where I'll be working in an orphanage teaching English. I'm so excited! 

1 comment:

  1. Man, you're going to have so much fun! You're the perfect person for this :] I can't wait to read about your experiences!
