Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Divorce and Trains

Yesterday I was walking in the park with Sapna and Sujita and they asked about my parents. I tried to explain that my parents were divorced, and when they understood the two girls were astounded. They told me how sorry they were, and asked me if my parents would get married again. I told them they wouldn't, and they got even more sad. Sujita told me, "Didi, I do not like people who do divorce. I do not like them because they made a promise on the wedding day. They promised that when the other person cries they will make them happy. They promised that they will always be with them. I do not like people who do divorce because they do not keep their promise." Well said, Sujita! Supna and Sujita made me promise not to get divorced. They also explained that if I don't sign the divorce papers and my husband does, then it's not divorce.

Also yesterday, Pooja told me I need to wear more makeup because the skin next to my eyes looks green. Haha! Thanks, Pooja :) I love how honest these kids are. It's absolutely fabulous!


TODAY was a hard day. LOTS of culture shock. Sara, Hayley and I went and did research in Delhi. Well, pretty much Hayley allowed Sara and I to follow her around for an hour or two, and then we went shopping and got lunch. But I got hit on by an Indian man again. I should have dyed my hair or something. According to Leo, one of my fellow volunteers, Indian men think that Western women are "readily available" because of how they are portrayed in the media. I would definitely agree with that. But I don't like being hit on in America, and I especially don't like being hit on here.

Also, we got stuck in the male car of the train today, which was super crowded. Once on the train, I got humped by a stranger. I cried afterwards. I knew something like this would happen, and I tried to mentally prepare myself for it.. but I still cried. Hayley was just like "Welcome to India!" Ugh. I miss America.

At the market today I felt pretty overwhelmed, especially in Old Delhi. Wow, Old Delhi is SO run down. There was so much trash everywhere, it was ridiculous.

Sara and I came home today and I don't think Madhu understood it was our day off? She kept asking us if we were gonna go do things with them, and we said no. When we got home at like 6pm we just laid in our room with the light off, because we'd been so bombarded by stimuli all day long. We emerged from our room at like 8pm, but we still feel really exhausted from today. I wish I was as chill as Hayley. Maybe it's because she's been here for 4 months already, or because she's older, but I worry it's because I'm not cut out to be an anthropologist. I think a big part of it is the language. So I'm going to study Spanish really hard the next few semesters and next summer go to central or south America and try living in a new culture where I can actually understand the locals. THEN I will be able to tell what I'm cut out for, and what I am not.

1 comment:

  1. It's awesome that you're sticking through. I love reading your entries; it's like a book :D stay safe and well, friend!
